Art Destination St. Albans UK The art of making music the Bolivian way St. Albans, UK: The UK trip helped me re-discover the art of spontaneous sketching. I have already showcased one such sketch at the end of... September 21, 2011 1.5K
Art Destination London UK The Jameel Art Prize 2011 London, UK: This is in continuation to my trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London to see the winners of the Jameel Art... September 14, 2011 2.5K
Art Destination Hatfield Shows & DIY UK Make your own polymer clay beads – a demo at Beadworks fair, Hatfield Hatfield, UK: Last week, we spoke about our beadwork fair experience. This week I want to share with you my experience in creating my own... September 14, 2011 2.4K
Art Destination London UK Islamic art at Jameel Gallery at the Victoria & Albert Museum London, UK: My increased interest in Islamic motifs (triggered by the Story of Islamic Embroidery exhibition at the Emirates Palace hotel Abu Dhabi last year),... September 9, 2011 1.8K
The Arts for Living Art Exhibition at Tate Modern London, UK: I have heard that the restaurant on the top floor of Tate Modern Art Gallery in London hosts a spectacular view of the... September 9, 2011 1.6K
Life's Lessons Finding your niche and sticking with it – Waffle House St. Albans, UK: One of the places I come to eat when I visit St. Albans is the Waffles House, right opposite to the green... September 9, 2011 1.3K
The Arts for Living Beadwork Fair experience in Hatfield, UK Hatfield, UK: Finally! A chance to visit a Bead fair for once in my life. I have seen many bead shops on my trips to... September 7, 2011 1.1K
The Arts for Living An Arts and Crafts market at Cambridge Cambridge, UK: My trip to Cambridge was quite a spontaneous one, let alone stumbling across an art and craft market. As the Culture Arts Traveller,... August 31, 2011 1.4K
Cambridge Destination SustainableArt UK Handcrafted by Nature – The Cambridge University Botanical Garden Cambridge, UK: I’m writing this post whilst watching an interesting TV show on BBC HD called Natural World. The commentor says something along the lines... August 26, 2011 1.7K
Uncategorized Lush Cosmetics, Dubai St. Albans, Herts, UK: It’s hard to let the fragrance of Lush products not get to you. The St. Albans store tucked into the Maltings... August 24, 2011 1.4K