Art Destination Dubai UAE Isabelle Noor’s Smile of a Woman art exhibition Isabelle Noor is on a mission. A one that mean look like it’s just a drop in the ocean but one with a magnitude of... November 24, 2016 6.9K
Art Destination Dubai SustainableArt UAE Rise of the Upcycling Artists I first met Jeff Scofield, Art Director, Gallery 76, at Dubai International Art Centre (DIAC), when he invited a bunch of us artists under the... October 2, 2016 8.9K
Art Community Projects Destination Dubai Life of a Creative Shows & DIY UAE Live Painting at a TieCon-ZeeArts collaboration They say: “Be careful what you wish for, for you might get it.” I’d wished to paint live, paint spontaneously, and paint a huge canvas.... November 6, 2015 2.8K