Art Destination Dubai The Arts UAE Quilt talk A few months ago, I’d written about Classic Quilts and the International Quilt show that they had organised. One of the greatest moments of the... May 29, 2010 1.4K
Art Crafts Destination Dubai Quilting The Arts UAE Visual Arts Personalised Quilts – Timeless heirlooms – PART II I loved writing up the blog post on personalised quilts, that I've decided to load up all the other photos of some of my favourite... February 26, 2010 1.6K
Art Destination Dubai The Arts UAE Personalised quilts – Timeless Heirlooms – Part I If you didn’t make it to the International Quilt Show held from 18th-21st February 2010 at the Dhow Palace Hotel, Dubai, then you have missed... February 25, 2010 1.4K