Abu Dhabi Art The Arts UAE Armenian Christmas Bazaar 2012, Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, 2012: After a lovely Thanksgiving celebration on Friday, it felt most appropriate to get ready for the new week by passing by the... November 28, 2012 1.7K
Art Destination Hatfield Shows & DIY UK Make your own polymer clay beads – a demo at Beadworks fair, Hatfield Hatfield, UK: Last week, we spoke about our beadwork fair experience. This week I want to share with you my experience in creating my own... September 14, 2011 2.4K
The Arts for Living Beadwork Fair experience in Hatfield, UK Hatfield, UK: Finally! A chance to visit a Bead fair for once in my life. I have seen many bead shops on my trips to... September 7, 2011 1.1K