Art Destination St. Albans UK The art of making music the Bolivian way St. Albans, UK: The UK trip helped me re-discover the art of spontaneous sketching. I have already showcased one such sketch at the end of... September 21, 2011 1.5K
Art Destination London UK The Jameel Art Prize 2011 London, UK: This is in continuation to my trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London to see the winners of the Jameel Art... September 14, 2011 2.6K
Art Destination Hatfield Shows & DIY UK Make your own polymer clay beads – a demo at Beadworks fair, Hatfield Hatfield, UK: Last week, we spoke about our beadwork fair experience. This week I want to share with you my experience in creating my own... September 14, 2011 2.4K
Art Destination London UK Islamic art at Jameel Gallery at the Victoria & Albert Museum London, UK: My increased interest in Islamic motifs (triggered by the Story of Islamic Embroidery exhibition at the Emirates Palace hotel Abu Dhabi last year),... September 9, 2011 1.9K
Cambridge Destination SustainableArt UK Handcrafted by Nature – The Cambridge University Botanical Garden Cambridge, UK: I’m writing this post whilst watching an interesting TV show on BBC HD called Natural World. The commentor says something along the lines... August 26, 2011 1.7K
Art Destination St. Albans The Arts UK Videos Rose & Dylan Gorgeous Gift shop in St. Albans, UK We rarely walk down St. George street in St. Albans because we don’t like walking on downhill. But we are grateful we did, this time... March 16, 2011 1.6K
Art Destination London UK An eye for the National Geographic London store When I first stumbled upon the National Geographic London store close to the Oxford Street Circus tube station, my initial thoughts were suspended as I... March 9, 2011 1.8K
Arts Destination St. Albans The Arts UK Videos Art Symphony at St. Albans, Old Town Hall, UK We were in St. Albans, UK, in September 2010, round about the time that art open studios take place. We have already covered a few... March 2, 2011 1.8K
Art St. Albans UK Videos King Alfred’s cakes music clip here at last! Finally, after experimenting with various video editing software for amateurs like us, we have been able to get the mini-video clip on the UK based... January 19, 2011 2K
Destination Life of a Creative St. Albans UK What do the signboards for your life say? We are once again travelling for the remainder of the month. This time we are in our own motherland – the mother that we were... January 12, 2011 1.4K