Here is a scientist turned artist who has blended art with science to create stunning jewelry. If you are a molecular biologist (like myself), you will know what molecules the various jewelry pieces stand for. The best thing is that Raven Hanna, PhD, the Yale educated artist scientist has shown that it is possible to creatively apply one’s science education (that could be lifesciences, healthcare, engineering, biology, even physics) into a form of art, which is unique and speaks volumes.

I love the play with words; in the handcrafted world (and don’t I know, as a creative artist and a jewelry designer myself?), one usually says, “I have made this scarf or hat with love.” Hanna is clever; she makes her jewelry with molecules in mind. I would add, she has made them with love (dopamine) and happiness (serotonin). Bring in the chocolate and caffeine, I say.


It’s all caffeine. It’s all good. As a charm. Photos used with permission.


And those feeling hot (thanks to the unceasing heat in the UAE, it’s already end October and it’s still hot according to me), a bit of Capsaicin around your neck may get the message across.



Hanna ensures that the men don’t feel left out, so she has created a line of men’s jewelry.

Seratonin for the man, photo used with permission

Seratonin for the man, photo used with permission

I like Hanna’s blog that discusses things on a more scientific level and ventures into creative sciences communications with more molecules and love thrown in.

Visit the Molecular Muse’s etsy shop at (Don’t be shocked, she has around 15,000 admirers on etsy and counting!)

Her website at Made With Molecules